我毕业于知名政府初级学院 A水准考试全A拿到满分90rp 目前被新加坡国大牙科录取 想对在新读书的国际学生或中学的弟弟妹妹进行一对一的辅导/补习,分享一些这些年总结的学习经验。英文、华文、数学和科学都可以补 有意者请联系我 谢谢!
I have graduated from one of Singapore's most prestigious government institution. I have obtained all As (with 90 rank points) in my A level examination. Now I have been given an offer to study in NUS Dentistry. I wish to have 1 to 1 tuition with international students or secondary school students. I give tuition to subjects including English, Chinese, Mathematics and Sciences. If you are interested, please contact me! :D
E-mail: [email protected]
WeChat: Chun_zebra
SMS/ What's App: 81613912