旺店人潮旺 !多个泡泡茶$1xxx出租甜品,便宜仓库,工厂,,黄格,小食店小吃店

85339119 85339119

旺店人潮旺 !多个半店屋出租泡泡茶$1xxx,面包店,黄格小食店美容院小吃店出租

Looking for Taiwan, South Korea, Macau and Hong Kong ,Malaysia, singapore Partner to do internet biz or working in singapore F&B Job,whatsapp 85339119.

Cheap Warehouse 100sqft,200sqft $2xx, $3xx

Cheap Factory $5xx ,$8xx, $1xxx

Cheap Kitchen $5xx, $7xx,$1xxx

Cheap F&B Counter $380

BLK 153, BT BATOK ST 11 ,single room /cum soho office $5xx, $6xx.

whatsapp to 85339119

If you are looking for business opportunity in F&B , we would like to partner you to venture into our business , contact me for details. We are looking for partners to run our franchise in curry puff, bubble tea, fruits , dessert ....no franchise fee but we need your passion to do business and willingness to work hard....

Richie's Curry Puff Cafe looking for Franchise partner to setup new outlet shop or stall, no agent fee, no takeoverfee, no other fee. very good location..call 85339119

免费找房客,免费找房-找房客网,屋主请 whatsapp 85339119, Free find tenant ,owner whatsapp 85339119.for Yellow box,shop house,F&B cafe,stall, Eating house. Freefindroom, free find tenants singaporen 85339119

Room for Rent :

Blk 648 Ang mo kio Ave5 have , single room 750, very good location near yeo chu kang MRT ,market,hawker ,24hrs halal coffee shop.whatsapp or msg to 80409119, 90561638

whatsapp or msg to 85339119

kovan mrt @ Blk 208 Hougang st 21 have male room , single room ,no owner no agent fee ,very good location near mrt,hawker,market, shopping ,24hrs coffee shop . $450-520

Ang Mo Kio MRT @ Blk 415 Ang mo kio Ave 10 have female room 2 in one room $500/pax , male room 3 in one room $500/pax , single room 780, very good location near MRT ,market,hawker ,24hrs halal coffee shop. male room 480-520/pax. no owner no agent fee.

whatsapp or msg to 85339119

Single Room for Rent $750 /pax ,no owner no agent fee ,very good location near MRT, hawker ,Market ,shop ....@ Blk 648 Ang Mo Kio Ave5 ..Yio Chu Kang MRT

Kovan MRT @ Blk208 hougang st21 have male room 480-520 ,single room $580 -680.no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 85339119

Mountbatten MRT @ Blk 4 jalan batu have male room share room $480-500 .no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 85339119

Lanvender MRT @ Blk1 Maude Road have male room 450-520 ,single room $580-650.no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 85339119

Queenstown MRT @ Blk165 bukit Merah central have male room 480 ,single room $580-650.no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 85339119

BUKIT BATOK MRT< Blk 158 Bukit Batok have male room ,single room for rent 480-520, 600-650, whatsapp or msg to 85339119

Yew tee mrt @ blk 611 choa chu kang st62 have male room 3 in one room .

Lakeside MRT @ BLK 471 jurong west st41 have female master room, male big room .

whatsapp or msg to 85339119

店屋出租: 3 小店出租 $1200 , 网站生意,卖花 鲜花插花

甜品,糕店,面包蛋糕店,小吃店 ,泡泡茶cafe 和黄格出租,地点好 人潮旺

Cafe, 小店 ,泡泡茶,手推车 和黄格$25-35出租,地点好 人潮旺 ! 多个地点 新加坡格子铺出租


免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119

招聘请 马国海鲜煮炒头手和》火锅头手&帮厨助理和 家庭主妇 98813552 小吃店出租 $3xxx , $4xxx,半间店出租 $1xxx , $2xxx,手机店,泡泡茶店 $1xxx,黄格出租 $5xx

火锅店出租 $4xxx- $5xxx

blk126 bukit merah lane 1

part-timer and full-times are all welcome, training is provided, simple tasks. Please contact us. Email: [email protected] 电话98813552

小吃店出租 ,半间店, 二手白钢6门冰箱,水盆,桌子,墙壁架。

wall shelve, 2ft, 3ft, 4ft,- 6ft

Blk 274 Bukit Batok East Ave 4, Café Job....

kueh , waffle, sandwish, packed food counter for rent $3xx with staff selling for you. whatsapp or call 85339119

BLK 34, UPP CROSS ST, 小店 100sqft 卖衣服 包包 鞋子,美容产品 。


F&b shop, retail, massage, TCM, Hp, Bubble tea half shop, cafe , Eating house, small shop, food shop, kueh.snack, coffee & tea kaya toast, Mee, nasi lemak , cake & roti, fruit juice,fruit & durian , takeaway food shop very good location next to crowd coffee shop, No agent No takeover fee cheap rental $1xxx to $2xxx . Nea $195 .call or whatsapp 85339119

招聘请 马国海鲜煮炒头手》小吃店出租 ,半间店, 二手白钢6门冰箱,水盆,桌子架

旺店人潮旺 !多个半店屋出租甜品,面包店,指甲&理发,黄格,小食店美容院

旺店人潮旺 !多个店屋出租, 办公室,咖啡店,黄格,小食店,推车美容院便宜出租 : 82232252

脚底按摩店,指甲,理发店,宠物店 ,代理批发零售店,No Takeover Fee whatsapp 82232252

旺店人潮旺 !多个店屋出租, 办公室,咖啡店,黄格,小食店,按摩院,理发店,推车美容院便宜出租 : 82232252

脚底按摩店,指甲,理发店,宠物店 ,代理批发零售店,$1XXX

网站销售产品 网站商店 找合作伙伴

Cafe, 大小店 ,泡泡茶,手推车 和黄格, 无人售卖亭 $25出租,地点好 人潮旺 ! 多个地点 $1xxx

Half shop @ Bishan, Marymount , Potong Pasir, Tanglin Halt, Bukit Batok > Blk 24 sin ming road & 47 Tanglin halt Road near MRT , very good location. $2xxx next to the Crowd Coffee shop , Call or whatsapp to 82232252

YELLOW BOX , STALL CHEAP RENTAL:> 免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119

Handphone Stall cheaper Rental $580/mth

Bubble Tea shop $980/mth

Flower stall $5xx

vegetable stall $5xx

Fruit & Durian stall $5xx

Yellow Box , Red Box & Pustcarts cheaper rent $5xx

Room for Rent :

Novena, Lavender, Lakeside , Yew Tee , Choa chu kang , Queenstown , Potong Pasir , Marymount , Bishan , Woodland MRT have Male Room, Female Room, Single ,Share room, Master room , common room. $300

All near MRT min walk, No Owner No agent fee and can cooking, 3 toilets and cleaner cleaning up the house also.

Coffee Shop Eating House No takeover fee and all equipment have, Cheaper Rental $4xxx - $5xxx , very good location .

Office, warehouse, factory, dance studio 2800sqft for Rent $1xxx Nearest MRT Toa Payoh MRT Station (0.84 km)

NS20 Novena MRT Station (1.28 km)

NE9 Boon Keng MRT Station (1.29 km)

工厂,办公室,仓库出租 2775sqft $1xxx ,大巴窑 免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119

16-20 Lorong Ampas, 328780

多个黄格出租,靠地铁人潮多有4D 隔壁,超市,巴沙咖啡店&出租火锅摊位

>Blk 126 Bukit Merah lane 1 have Eating house for BBQ & steamboat.

Call/Sms/Whatsapp Samuel @ 免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119 出租火锅摊位

店面的 黄格出租可以卖各种产品,人潮旺隔壁有4D 店,超市,巴沙咖啡店 免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119 开门做生意 的好地点。 卖衣服,窗帘布,家庭用品,买菜,卖水果,手机,各式各样都可以。 黄格 YELLOW BOX @ Potong Pasir ave 3, 24 Sin Ming Road, Bukit Merah Lane 1

波东巴西地铁有冷气 女生房 ,女生搭房, 出租,无屋主非,没有中介费。 免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119 Queen Town MRT ,Female Room for Rent.. 有冷气, 家私衣橱冰箱 ,热水 和洗衣机 设施齐全.网1000M光 双层公寓 2min油池MRT有冷气女生或夫妻房和主人房出租可煮无屋主非中介,。 可煮,煮水煮面,饭,水电网1000M光全包 ,没有屋主同住。 出入自由。 3个卫生间,有热水和洗衣机 房间干净漂亮整洁 少人安静 无中介 , 欢迎学生和男女搭房,1-2月 入住。 有意联络。 免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119无法接通时请发信息。 我会尽快回复,欢迎光临. **3个卫生间****

近油池 YEW TEE 1MIN步行到地铁站.主人房 , 男生搭房, 男生房间,环境优美. 有空调 1-2月- 2016 有女生或夫妻房和主人房无屋主!非中介 ! 欢迎光临.

双层公寓 湖畔地铁MRT 附近,有冷气 男生房或夫妻房,主人房 ,小房间 出租,无屋主非,中介费 免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119无屋主!!!非中介! !!

137 店面有 黄格出租,靠地铁人潮多有4D 隔壁,超市,巴沙咖啡店 免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119

好地点 。黄格卖什么都可以。

免费找房网 :免费找房网:whatsapp 85339119

Room for Rent :

Bedok MRT Min Walk To >BLK 38, chai chee Ave ,master room /cum soho office $2600-3000 whole unit.s461038

near bedok mrt,shopping mall,24hrs coffee,hawket,market few min walk. male room and male share for rent ,whatsapp to 85339119

Mountbatten MRT @ Blk 4 jalan batu have male room share room $480-500 .no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.,whatsapp to 85339119

whatsapp or msg to 80409119, 90561638

Kovan MRT @ Blk208 hougang st21 have male room 480-520 ,single room $580 -680.no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.,whatsapp to 85339119

whatsapp or msg to 80409119, 90561638

Lanvender MRT @ Blk1 Maude Road have male room 450-520 ,single room $580-650.no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.,whatsapp to 85339119

whatsapp or msg to 80409119, 90561638

Queenstown MRT @ Blk165 bukit Merah central have male room 480 ,single room $580-650.no owner ,no agent fee , include PUB,wifi, aircon,washing mashine,water heater.

whatsapp or msg to 80409119, 90561638

Yew tee mrt @ blk 611 choa chu kang st62 have male room 3 in one room .

Lakeside MRT @ BLK 471 jurong west st41 have female master room,whatsapp to 85339119

Lakeside, Boon lay, , Yew Tee ,Hougang, KOVAN, Novena, Geylang,Dakota, Lavender, Bugis, Farrer Part, Little india , Jalan Besar, kallang,bukit merah,Ang mo kio, Bedok,Rochor, woodland, Ang Mo Kio, Choa chu kang , Queenstown , Potong Pasir , Marymount , Bishan ,MRT have Male Room, Female Room, Single ,Share room, $480-580,

BLK 38, chai chee Ave ,master room /cum soho office $2100 - $2600, whole unit.s461038

$350, 380, 400 ,500 to 600, 680/pax include pub, wifi aircon , washing machine, water heater, and kitchen equipment already hae.

All near MRT min walk, No Owner No agent fee and can light cook, 3 toilets and cleaner cleaning up the house also. very good location .

whatsapp or msg to 80409119, 90561638

$350, 380, 400 ,500 to 600, 680/pax include pub, wifi aircon , washing machine, water heater, and kitchen equipment already hae.

All near MRT min walk, No Owner No agent fee and can light cook, 3 toilets and cleaner cleaning up the house also. very good location .

whatsapp or msg to 80409119, 90561638 ,whatsapp to 85339119


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薪金待遇分为两种:底薪制和无底薪制,收入1000 - 6000不等 . 联系方式 : 8533 3335


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